• How Childhood Emotional Neglect Impacts Adult Relationships and How to Heal

    Kaplan explains that adults with childhood emotional trauma often have a hard time forming deep, emotionally expressive relationships. They may not be in touch with their feelings and this makes it difficult to fully connect with others’ emotional experiences. You can practice recognizing and acknowledging emotions by working on your emotional vocabulary. “With more words to name your feelings, you can then learn to acknowledge, respond to, and regulate your emotional experience,” says Kaplan.

    Psych Central- July 13th, 2022

  • Why Do I Still Feel Connected to My Ex?

    “While it’s common to believe that feeling connected to an ex-partner is just about the person or the relationship itself, many other layers of loss and adjustment are part of this emotional experience. One aspect of nostalgia that often occurs even months or years after a breakup is missing the version of yourself that you were when you were in this relationship.”

    Up Journey- August 10, 2022

  • How to Set Boundaries With Parents

    (70+ Ways to Do it Right)

    “Parents often struggle to see their children as independent adults who have different needs than they did when they were younger and may also be mourning the sense of connectedness and dependence that existed in their earlier relationship.”

    Up Journey- December 8th, 2022

  • What to Do When Someone Is Mad at You

    60+ Helpful Tips from Experts

    “It is inherently uncomfortable when someone is mad at you. As human beings, we often try to avoid conflict and confrontation, sometimes even avoiding honest communication or dismissing our needs altogether in an effort to keep the peace.”

    Up Journey- January 6th, 2023

  • Easy Tips to Fend off the Winter Blahs and Feel Better

    It's okay if you're feeling a little less energetic or motivated right now, Kaplan says. You might journal to express yourself or lean on a family member or friend for support. “Listen and respond to your needs, and remind yourself that this is temporary,” Kaplan adds.

    Thrill Care- January 17th, 2023

  • How to Practice Self Care for Caregivers

    “It is crucial that you give yourself permission to feel the emotional toll and acknowledge the impact on you. This doesn't make you a bad person or a bad caregiver. This makes you human. Ignoring how we feel doesn't make it go away. It will manifest in other ways.”

    CAREX- February 7th, 2023

  • Why Are Friends Important In Our Lives?

    “One person cannot meet all of your needs Even if you are someone who likes being alone, has a great relationship with your significant other, or is close with your family, it’s important to acknowledge that one person cannot meet all of your emotional and intellectual needs.”

    Up Journey- February 9th, 2023