Your friends and family may think of you as independent, organized, self-sufficient, and always in control. And perhaps these are traits that you take pride in. Maybe it’s hard for you to take a break or rest, because you define productivity as being busy, achievement-focused, and “doing it all.” But there are times when filling this role, feeling the pressure and expectations from yourself and others, and keeping up with this fast pace can feel draining, overwhelming, and relentless. Maybe you are tired of comparing yourself to others, or feeling like you never measure up to an “idealized” version of yourself.
You may be someone who is supportive and patient with others, but are self-critical and often set unrealistic expectations of yourself. Maybe up until now, you have been expecting yourself to just keep pushing through and cope with whatever you’ve been feeling on your own.
While it may be hard to imagine shifting these tendencies, you can learn to be more flexible. We will explore the roots of your critical internal dialogue, better understand how your beliefs impact your behaviors, and help you to find a way to slow down, become comfortable with less rigidity, and let go of this need for constant control.