Anxiety can show up in many different ways, and often leaves you feeling discouraged, overwhelmed, and frustrated.
Sometimes anxiety feels like a constant, low-level uneasiness, while other times it causes you to be easily overwhelmed or nervous in response to certain things. Anxiety can make it hard to concentrate, can impact your ability to fall or stay asleep, and can get in the way of being present and enjoying the small, pleasurable moments in your day to day life.
Maybe you are tired of worrying all the time, feeling stuck in cycles of thinking about the same things, or anticipating the days or weeks ahead. We all have patterns of thinking that can cause distress, such as focusing on possible worst case scenarios, jumping to conclusions, primarily noticing the negatives in our lives, or assuming what someone else is thinking about us.
Therapy can help you gain insight into these thinking patterns, build strategies to challenge your anxious thoughts, and understand the connection between your thoughts, feelings, and habits. Our work together may include learning to better tolerate uncertainty, understanding your underlying fears, and processing how past experiences impact you in the present.
Sometimes it’s your thoughts that are overwhelming, but other times you can feel the anxiety in your body. Maybe when you are nervous you feel tightness in your chest, your breathing gets more shallow, your muscles feel tense, your heart starts racing, or you have difficulty sitting still. By learning more about how anxiety manifests in your body and how to identify and express your emotions, you can become more grounded and feel more at ease.
Anxiety can feel really draining, I am here to help.